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Private Person

Lawful Private Association is not Legal Public Policy and is immune from state scrutiny. In an opinion authored by Justice John M. Harlan II, a unanimous Court decided in favor of the petitioners, holding that “Immunity from state scrutiny of petitioner’s...

Homme. Man; a man.

Homme  /om/.  Fr.  Man; a man.  The term “man” as sometimes used may include a woman or women. Man.  A human being. Human Being.  Undefined. Homo Sapiens.  Undefined. Person.  In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term...

De facto court

De facto court. One established, organized, and exercising its judicial functions under authority of a statute apparently valid, though such statute may be in fact unconstitutional and may be afterwards so adjudged; or a court established and acting under the...