by Myles | Jun 14, 2020 | Law
Kirk’s Law Corner gives a quick rundown of the Process due to public...
by Myles | Jun 12, 2020 | Work
When the self-knowing spirit has dawned in the consciousness above the natural mind, that mind in its renewal leads forth the animal nature in a state of perfect conformity. – A.E....
by Myles | Jun 10, 2020 | Law
This is why hearsay evidence is admissible in “family court”. Idaho Rules of Family Law Procedure Rule 102. Applicability of Other Rules. 1. Upon notice to the court … any party may require strict compliance with the Idaho Rules of Evidence … 2. If no such notice is...
by Myles | Jun 9, 2020 | Law
Every man needs to know the fundamentals of law. Civil procedure is need to know. Learn the rules of civil procedure....
by Myles | Jun 8, 2020 | Work
With three(3) dimensions we can make a space and define a point within. y, x, z. Aleph, Mem, Shin. If we wall off this space we make a cube. A cube has six(6) sides. Above, Below, North, South, East, West. Beth, Gimel, Peh, Resh, Daleth, Kaph. A cube also has one(1)...
by Myles | Jun 6, 2020 | Law
“Person” is a TERM and is a “word of art” that does not pertain to Man. Man is never referenced in any tax code; a “person” is a Man that has taken on the artificial character of a legal entity and is subject to the tax. That Man is an...
by Myles | Jun 5, 2020 | Law
De facto court. One established, organized, and exercising its judicial functions under authority of a statute apparently valid, though such statute may be in fact unconstitutional and may be afterwards so adjudged; or a court established and acting under the...
by Myles | Jun 3, 2020 | Music
This chromatic wheel is handy for songwriting and jamming. Pick any key and the two keys connected by a line will sound good with...
by Myles | Jun 2, 2020 | Work
If you want to understand the nature of reality it is very helpful to learn astrology and tarot. Tarot is the map and astrology shows your personal...
by Myles | May 29, 2020 | Law
A generally unknown fact is that there are several types of citizens now existing in America. The trustee(s) of an Express Trust may seek protection under the Constitutions as state citizens throughout the “Union” of states, a jurisdiction outside the scope of the...