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imperturbable. adj. Incapable of being perturbed or agitated; unmoved; self-contained; calm.Incapable of being disturbed or disconcerted.

Know Thyself

The Magus of Power. The True Self is the meaning of the True Will:know Thyself through Thy Way! Calculate well the Formula of Thy Way! Create freely; absorb joyously; divide intently;consolidate completely. Work thou, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent,in and for...

Three Main Delphic Maxims

Three Main Delphic maxims: Know thyself, Nothing in excess, Surety brings ruin.   Surety, an individual who undertakes an obligation to pay a sum of money or to perform some duty or promise for another in the event that person fails to act. – West’s...

Homme. Man; a man.

Homme  /om/.  Fr.  Man; a man.  The term “man” as sometimes used may include a woman or women. Man.  A human being. Human Being.  Undefined. Homo Sapiens.  Undefined. Person.  In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term...